I'm handling the job/writing dichotomy a little better now, getting something of a schedule down. I'm still more likely to write at night than I am in the morning, though lately I've forced myself to do it. I'm just not awake enough in the morning. Of course I've not been awake enough at night either. There's got to be a happy medium. I wonder when others are at their most creative - morning, noon, or night? I don't like writing in the morning but I seem to do a better job of it then than at night when I'm tired from the day.
Wouldn't life be grand to get a job writing? Oh yes, yes it would. I'm not talking about being published though that would of course be the best of any world, but having a 'real' job that involved writing on a daily basis. Wish I knew how to get one of those, lemme tell ya.
Off to finish up a chapter....